Whether you are looking for best winter hats for men or women, the following list should serve as a comprehensive guide on your prime shopping options. We will mostly focus on stylish and practical hats handmade of real and faux fur. An important consideration when buying a formal or casual hat is face shape, so please always bear that in mind.
Perhaps the most versatile of all winter headwear is the trapper hat. Thanks to its flaps, this type (known as ushanka in Russian), can protect not only your head but also ears, cheeks, chin, and back of the neck. Drawstrings allow for this trooper hat to be worn differently depending on how cold or windy it is outside. Most importantly, it suits both men and women. All you have to do is choose between faux fur and natural varieties. The latter vary greatly and include beaver fur, fox fur, mink fur, muskrat fur, Persian lamb, rabbit fur, and sheepskin.
The ambassador hat proves the fact that fashion is affected by recurring cycles. What used to trend in the 1960s Soviet Union among (mainly) Politburo members, is back in vogue now. Karakul envoy hats, are finding their way back into the wardrobes of many men that like to dress smart. Neither are such classic hats viewed as exclusively male accessories any more. Since 2015 the wedge hats have migrated from catwalks to heads of stylish women, who also try to improve the overall look by decorating the hats with gorgeous brooches.
Cossack hats are often confused with trapper hats. In reality, the former comprise many styles worn by (surprise!) the Cossacks in Southern Russia and Ukraine. These are generally made of sheepskin and Astrakhan fur. The most common types are called kubanka and papakha.
Differences are many but the most important ones are height, structure, softness, and length of fur. Although color variations are limited due to the nature of materials, beautiful shades of brown and gray undoubtedly make up for this.
Fox fur hats are probably the safest option for women, regardless of the face type. These are by far the best winter hats when it comes to weight. In addition, they provide excellent warmth. If you would like to look fabulous out in the cold then your search is definitely over. Just pair the hat with a nice coat. Keira Knightley shows how this should be done.
Another case of resurrected fashion is the newsboy cap and its many variations. The style lives on 100+ years later. For those of you who are lucky to live in places where winters are mild or non-existent, a flat cap is a great option. Besides the common linen and woolen caps, consider those made of genuine leather and Persian lamb. Finally, remember that these are very much unisex accessories nowadays and would therefore could look great on men and women alike.
Defining best winter hats is obviously very subjective. Each of the mentioned models has its merits depending on local climate and personal style. Hopefully, our shortlist will assist in your selection.